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Whether or not they came back to my ears.
Surely, if past attention and tuition
Are not forgotten, you will not forget
This present emptiness of my confusion.
If I go back alone, what shall I say?”

“Say to the King that if the King command
Implacably my presence, I will come.
But say as an addition that I’m sick,
And that another joyful hour with him
This night might have eventful influences.
Nothing could be more courteous, if said well,
Or more consistent with infirm allegiance.
Say to the King I’m sick. If he doubts that,
Or takes it ill, say to the King I’m drunk.
His comprehensions and remembrances
Will compass and envisage, peradventure,
The last deplorable profundity
Of my defection if you say, for me,
That in my joy my caution crept away
Like an unfaithful hound and went to sleep.
Gouvernail, you are cold.”

And fixed an eye calm with Gouvernail sighed
And fixed an eye calm with experience,

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