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The substance of it in his Queen’s cold eyes,
Which were as dark and dead to him as death
And had no answers in them.

The King said, after staring an“Gouvernail,”
The King said, after staring angrily
About him, “who is lying there at your feet?
Turn him, and let me see?”

Tristram replied, in tones of n“You know him, sir,”
Tristram replied, in tones of no address:
“The name of that you see down there is Andred;
And it is manifestly at your service.”

“That was an unbecoming jest, I fear,
For you tonight, Tristram,” answered the King.
“Do you not see what you have done to him?
Andred is bleeding.”

So long as there is less o“I am glad of that, sir.
So long as there is less of that bad blood
In him, there will be so much less of Andred.
Wash him, and he will be as good as ever;

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