Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/12

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For thee the scavenger bids kennels glide15
Within their bounds, and heaps of dirt subside.
My youthful bosom burns with thirst of fame,
From the great theme to build a glorious name;
To tread in paths to ancient bards unknown,
And bind my temples with a civic crown:20
But more, my country's love demands the lays—
My country's be the profit, mine the praise.
When the black youth at chosen stands rejoice,
And "Clean your shoes" resounds from ev'ry voice;
When late their miry sides stage-coaches show,25
And their stiff horses through the town move slow;
When all the Mall in leafy ruin lies,
And damsels first renew their oyster cries;
Then let the prudent walker shoes provide,
Not of the Spanish or Morocco hide;—30
The wooden heel may raise the dancer's bound,
And with the scallop'd top his step be crown'd;—
Let firm well-hammer'd soles protect thy feet
Through freezing snows, and rains, and soaking sleet.
Should the big last extend the shoe too wide,35
Each stone will wrench th' unwary step aside;