Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/31

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Of her brown lover's cart—for well she knows125
That pleasing thunder:—swift the goddess rose,
And through the streets pursued the distant noise,
Her bosom panting with expected joys.
With the night-wand'ring harlot's airs she past,
Brush'd near his side, and wanton glances cast:
In the black form of cinder-wench she came,131
When love, the hour, the place, had banish'd shame;
To the dark alley arm and arm they move:. . . .
Oh, may no linkboy interrupt their love!
When the pale moon had nine times fill'd her space,
The pregnant goddess (cautious of disgrace)136
Descends to earth: but sought no midwife's aid;
Nor 'midst her anguish to Lucina pray'd:
No cheerful gossip wish'd the mother joy;—
Alone, beneath a bulk, she dropt the boy.140
The child through various risks in years improv'd:
At first a beggar's brat, compassion mov'd;
His infant tongue soon learnt the canting art,
Knew all the pray'rs and whines to touch the heart.
O happy unown'd youths! your limbs can bear
The scorching dogstar and the winter's air;146