Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/47

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Come, let us leave the Temple's silent walls,
Me bus'ness to my distant lodging calls:
Through the long Strand together let us stray;
With thee conversing, I forget the way.480
Behold that narrow street which steep descends,
Whose building to the slimy shore extends—
Here Arundel's fam'd structure rear'd its frame;
The street alone retains an empty name.484
Where Titian's glowing paint the canvas warm'd,
And Raphael's fair design with judgment charm'd,
Now hangs the bellman's song; and pasted here
The colour'd prints of Overton appear.
Where statues breath'd, the works of Phidias' hands,
A wooden pump or lonely watchhouse stands.490
There Essex' stately pile adorn'd the shore;
There Cecil's; Bedford's; Villiers', now no more. . . .
Yet Burlington's fair palace still remains:
Beauty within; without, proportion reigns:
Beneath his eye declining Art revives,495
The wall with animated picture lives.
There Handel strikes the strings; the melting strain
Transports the soul, and thrills through ev'ry vein: