Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/51

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O Lintot! let my labours obvious lie,565
Rang'd on thy stall, for ev'ry curious eye;
So shall the poor these precepts gratis know,
And to my verse their future safeties owe.
What walker shall his mean ambition fix
On the false lustre of a coach and six?570
Let the vain virgin, lur'd by glaring show,
Sigh for the liv'ries of th' embroider'd beau.
See yon bright chariot on its harness swing,
With Flanders mares, and on an arched spring;
That wretch, to gain an equipage and place,575
Betray'd his sister to a lewd embrace.
This coach, that with the blazon'd 'scutcheon glows,
Vain of his unknown race, the coxcomb shows.
Here the brib'd lawyer, sunk in velvet, sleeps;
The starving orphan, as he passes, weeps:580
There flames a fool, begirt by tinsel'd slaves,
Who wastes the wealth of a whole race of knaves.
That other, with a clustering train behind,
Owes his new honours to a sordid mind.
This next, in court-fidelity excels,585
The public rifles, and his country sells. . . .