Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/54

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Still fix thy eyes intent upon the throng,15
And as the passes open, wind along.
Where the fair columns of St. Clement stand,
Whose straiten'd bounds encroach upon the Strand;
Where the low penthouse bows the walker's head,
And the rough pavement wounds the yielding tread;
Where not a post protects the narrow space,21
And, strung in twines, combs dangle in thy face;
Summon at once thy courage, rouse thy care,
Stand firm, look back, be resolute, beware.
Forth issuing from steep lanes, the collier's steeds
Drag the black load; another cart succeeds:26
Team follows team, crowds heap'd on crowds appear,
And wait impatient till the road grows clear.
Now all the pavement sounds with trampling feet,
And the mix'd hurry barricades the street.30
Entangled here, the waggon's lengthen'd team
Cracks the tough harness; here a pond'rous beam
Lies overturn'd athwart; for slaughter fed,
Here lowing bullocks raise their horned head.
Now oaths grow loud, with coaches coaches jar,35
And the smart blow provokes the sturdy war: