Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/56

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Here dives the skulking thief; with practis'd sleight
And unfelt fingers makes thy pockets light.60
Where's now thy watch, with all its trinkets, flown?
And thy late snuff-box is no more thy own.
But, lo! his bolder thefts some tradesman spies:
Swift from his prey the scudding lurcher flies;64
Dext'rous he 'scapes the coach with nimble bounds,
Whilst ev'ry honest tongue "Stop thief!' resounds.—
So speeds the wily fox, alarm'd by fear,
Who lately filch'd the turkey's callow care:
Hounds, following hounds, grow louder as he flies,
And injur'd tenants join the hunters' cries.—70
Breathless he stumbling falls. Ill-fated boy!
Why did not honest work thy youth employ?
Seiz'd by rough hands, he's dragg'd amid the rout,
And stretch'd beneath the pump's incessant spout;
Or plung'd in miry ponds he gasping lies,75
Mud chokes his mouth, and plasters o'er his eyes.
Let not the ballad-singer's shrilling strain,
Amid the swarm, thy list'ning ear detain.
Guard well thy pocket; for these syrens stand
To aid the labours of the diving hand:80