Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/65

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Who has not here or watch or snuff-box lost,
Or handkerchiefs that India's shuttle boast?
Oh! may thy virtue guard thee through the roads
Of Drury's mazy courts and dark abodes!—260
The harlots' guileful paths, who nightly stand
Where Cath'rine-street descends into the Strand.
Say, vagrant muse! their wiles and subtle arts,
To lure the strangers' unsuspecting hearts;
So shall our youth on healthful sinews tread,265
And city cheeks grow warm with rural red.—
'Tis she who nightly strolls with saunt'ring pace;
No stubborn stays her yielding shape embrace:
Beneath the lamp her tawdry ribands glare,
The new-scour'd manteau, and the slattern air:270
High-draggled petticoats her travels show,
And hollow cheeks with artful blushes glow:
With flatt'ring sounds she soothes the cred'lous ear,
'My noble captain!' 'Charmer!' 'Love!' 'My dear!'
In ridinghood near tavern-doors she plies;275
Or muffled pinners hide her livid eyes.
With empty bandbox she delights to range,
And feigns a distant errand from the 'Change: