Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/68

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His scatter'd pence the flying Nicker flings,
And with the copper show'r the casement rings.
Who has not heard the Scourer's midnight fame?
Who has not trembled at the Mohock's name:326
Was there a watchman took his hourly rounds
Safe from their blows, or new-invented wounds?
I pass their desp'rate deeds and mischiefs done,
Where from Snow-hill black steepy torrents run:330
How matrons, hoop'd within the hogshead's womb,
Were tumbled furious thence; the roling tomb
O'er the stones thunders, bounds from side to side:. . .
So Regulus, to save his country, died.
Where a dim gleam the paly lantern throws 335
O'er the mid pavement, heapy rubbish grows;
Or arched vaults their gaping jaws extend,
Or the dark caves to common-sew'rs descend.
Oft, by the winds extinct, the signal lies,
Or smother'd in the glimm'ring socket dies,340
Ere Night has half roll'd round her ebon throne:
In the wide gulf the shatter'd coach, o'erthrown,
Sinks with the snorting steeds; the reins are broke,
And from the crackling axle flies the spoke. . . .