Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/78

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Nor hope the British lineaments to trace,
The rustic grandeur, or the surly grace:
But, lost in thoughtless ease and empty show,
Behold the warrior dwindled to a beau;
Sense, freedom, piety, refin'd away—
Of France the mimic, and of Spain the prey.
'All that at home no more can beg or steal,
Or like a gibbet better than a wheel;
Hiss'd from the stage, or hooted from the court,
Their air, their dress, their politics import;
Obsequious, artful, voluble and gay,
On Britain’s fond credulity they prey.
No gainful trade their industry can ’scape:
They sing, they dance, clean shoes, or cure a clap.
All sciences a fasting monsieur knows;
And bid him go to hell, to hell he goes.
Ah! what avails it, that, from slav'ry far,
I drew the breath of life in English air;
Was early taught a Briton’s right to prize,
And lisp the tale of Henry’s victories;
If the gull'd conqueror receives the chain,
And flattery subdues when arms are vain?