Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/87

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N.B. The numerals refer to the book; the Arabic figures to the line.

Alley, the pleasure of walking in one, ii, 271; not to be walked in by night, iii, 127

Almanacs, useless to judicious walkers, ii, 406

Asses, their arrogance, ii, 14

Autumn, what cries then in use, ii, 433

Baker, to whom obnoxious, ii, 30

Ballad-singers, iii, 77

Barber, by whom to be shunned, ii, 28

Beau's chariot overturned, i, 523

Bills dispersed to walkers, ii, 539

Booksellers, skilled in the weather, i, 161

Broker, his usual walks, ii, 277

Brokers keep coaches, i, 117

Bully, his insolence to be corrected., ii, 59

Butchers to be avoided, ii, 43

Cane, convenience of the, i, 61; an amber-headed, useless, i, 67; abuse of the, i, 76

Carmen, when unmerciful, their punishment, ii, 241

Cellar, misfortune of falling into a, iii, 121

Chairmen, an observation on, i, 155; their exercise in frosty weather, ii, 335; law concerning, iii, 153; their poles dangerous, iii, 163

Chairs and chariots prejudicial to health, i, 69

Chairs, danger of, i, 513.

Chandlers prejudical to walkers, ii, 40

Charity most practised by walkers, ii, 453; where given with judgment, ii, 458; not to be delayed, ii, 460

Cheese not liked by the author, ii, 254

Chimney-sweeper, by whom to be avoided, ii, 33

Christmas, what cries forerun, ii, 437; a season for general charity, ii, 443

Christmas-box, ii, 185

Church monuments foretel the weather, i, 167

Civic crown, i, 20

Civility to be paid to walkers, ii, 45

Clement's church, passage by, described, iii, 17

Clergy, what tradesmen to shun, ii, 25

Cloacina, goddess of common sewers, ii, 115

Coach, fallen into a hole, described, iii, 342

Coaches, dangerous in snowy weather, ii, 327; those who keep them uncharitable, ii, 451; at tended with ill accidents, ii, 511; despised by walkers, ii, 570; kept by coxcombs and pimps, ii, 578; a stop of them described, iii, 35; a man surrounded by, iii, 178

Coachman asleep on his box, what the sign, i, 153; his metamorphosis, ii, 241; his whip dangerous, ii, 311; his care of his horses, ii, 314

Coachmen, a fight of, iii, 35; despise dirty shoes, iii, 168

Coat, how to choose a, for the winter, i, 41