Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/90

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Snowballs, coachmen pelted with them, ii, 329

Snowy weather, ii, 321

Spring, cries then in use, ii, 427

Stage-coaches, an observation on, i, 25

Stockings, how to prevent their being spattered, ii, 91

Street, how to cross a, iii, 165; where to cross a, by night, iii, 185

Streets, narrow, to be avoided, ii, 243; formerly noblemen's houses, ii, 491

Summer, foreign to the author's design, ii, 315

Superstition to be avoided, i, 175

Tea-drinkers, a necessary caution to, ii, 297

Thames, coaches driven over the, ii, 365

Thaw, description of a, ii, 399

Thursday, how known, ii, 407

Trades prejudicial to walkers, ii, 25; offensive to the smell, ii, 247

Tradesmen, in what to be trusted, ii, 71

Tragedies, fate of, ii i, 414

Trivia, goddess of streets and high ways, invocation to, i, 5; invoked as Cynthia, iii, 1

Turnstiles, iii, 107

Umbrella, its use, i, 211

Vaults, observation on, i, 172

Vulcan, in love with a milkmaid, i, 241; advice to, i, 245; metamorphosed to a country farrier, i, 253; first made hobnails and sparables, i, 263; the inventor of pattens, i, 275

Walker, distressed by a football, ii, 347

Walkers, inadvertent, to what misfortunes liable, ii, 285; happiness of, ii, 501; free from diseases, ii, 505

Walking advantageous to learning, ii, 551

Wall, to whom to be given, ii, 45; to whom to be denied, ii, 59; when to keep the, iii, 205

Watchmen, method of treating with, ii i, 307; their signal to their fellows, iii, 311; how to act if taken by them, iii, 313

Water, danger of being upon the, ii, 515

Waterman, judicious in the weather, i, 163; his dominion invaded, ii, 361

Way, of whom to be enquired, ii,65

Weather, signs of cold, i, 133; signs of fair, i, 143; signs of rainy, i, 157

Wednesday, how to know, ii, 413

Wheelbarrows, how prejudice walkers, iii, 117

Whore, how to know a, iii, 267

Whores, the streets where they ply, iii, 259

Wig, what, to be worn in a mist, i, 125; compared to Alecto's snakes, i, 203; to Glaucus' beard, i, 205

Winds, whistling, what they foretel, i, 169

Winter, beginning of, described, i, 23

Wits, caution to, ii, 297

Women, ill consequences of gazing on, iii, 101

Yeoman, lamentable story of a, iii, 285

Ballintine & Law, Duke-street, Adelphi.