- Spotted fever of the Rocky Mountains, distribution of, 310
- etiology of, 313
- history of, 310
- pathology of, 313
- prophylaxis of, 313
- symptoms of, 311
- treatment of, 313
- Sprue, 549
- course of, 553
- diagnosis of 559
- diarrhoea in, 553
- dyspepsia in, 553
- etiology of, 550
- geographical distribution of, 549
- history of, 553
- incomplete, 555
- intestinal atrophy consequent on, 556
- morbid anatomy of, 556
- pathology of, 558
- prognosis of, 560
- protopathic, 554
- secondary to acute enterocolitis, 555
- to dysentery, 555
- symptoms of, 551
- treatment of, 560
- by drugs, 566
- by fruit, 563
- by meat juice and underdone meat, 563
- by milk, 560
- by nutrient enemata or suppositories 564
- by Salisbury diet, 564
- climatic, 565
- general, 565
- threatened relapses in, 561
- types of, 553
- Staining flagellated body, 46
- malarial blood, 41
- Stains for malarial blood, 43
- Staphylococcus pyogenes, 867
- Stegomyia, 259, 274
- africana, 274
- argenta punctata, 274
- calopus, 250, 944
- and dengue, 295
- and yellow fever, 256
- fasciata (see Stegomyia calopus)
- pseudoscutellaris and filariasis, 690
- scutellaris, 274
- Sternberg's mixture in blackwater fever, 290
- in yellow fever, 268
- Stinging-fly and Loa loa, 784
- Stomoxys calcitrans, 198, 784
- nebulosa, 198
- Stomoxys nigra, 195, 932
- "Streptobacillus pellagras," 445 (footnote)
- Streptococcus pyogenes, 867
- Streptothrix leproides, 649
- Strong's vaccine for plague, 357
- Strongyloides intestinalis, 550
- stercoralis, 839
- larval form of, 841
- ova of, 840
- stercoralis, 839
- Strongylus duodenalis, 816
- siamense, 843
- Subintrant malarial fever, 56
- Subtertian malaria parasite, 51, 68
- malarial fever, 68
- Sun-stroke (see Siriasis)
- Sun-traumatism, 402
- morbid anatomy of, 403
- pathogenesis of, 403
- treatment of, 404
- Surra, 154, 195, 932
- Syncopal form of algide malarial fever, 77
- Syngamus kingi, 839
- Synkaryon, 940
- Tabanidee, 195, 202
- Tabanus, 195, 212
- Teenia africana, 852
- asiatica, 859
- demerariensis, 857
- echinococcus, 852
- hominis, 853
- madagascariensis, 857
- nana, 854
- philippina, 853
- saginata, 851
- solium, 851
- Tjeniorhynchus richiardii, 153
- Tartar emetic (see Antimony)
- Tertian ague, 56, 61
- parasite of, 51, 61
- Tertiana duplex, 52
- Tetragenus febris flava, 254
- Tetramitidse, 938
- Tetramitus mesnili, 938
- Tetra vaccine in cholera, 484
- Theileria, 246
- parva, 947
- Theobaldinella annulata, 153
- nemqrosa, 153
- Three-days' fever of Chitral, 304
- Tick fever (see Relapsing fever)
- paralysis, 314
- Ticks, 245, 248, 948
- Tinea imbricata, 887
- diagnosis of, 890
- fungus of, 889
- geographical distribution of, 887
- prophylaxis of, 891
- symptoms of, 888
- treatment of, 890
- "Tiqui-tiqui" in beriberi, 430
- Tocotrema yokagawa, 849