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of development
Movement Hæmozoin Maximum
Form of
1. Quartan parasite, Plasmodium malariæ Seventy-two hours Slight movement in the immature forms Coarse grains; little or no movement The size of a red blood-corpuscle Daisy form; the single spores roughish, with distinct nucleolus
2. Tertian parasite, Plasmodium vivax Forty-eight hours; or less in anticipating types Active amœboid movement in the immature and also in the middle-aged forms Finer granules in immature forms; often in the larger actively swarming Size of a red blood-corpuscle; sometimes even larger Sunflower or grape-like; single spores small, round; nucleolus rarely seen
3. Pigmented quotidian parasite, Laverania præcox Twenty-four hours In the unpigmented immature stage very actively amœboid; less active when hæmozoin accumulates Very fine; later coalesces in one or two clumps; does not swarm 1/4-1/3 the size of a red blood-corpuscle Irregularly formed heap
4. Unpigmented quotidian parasite, Laverania immaculata Twenty-four hours or less Very active amœboid movement None 1/5-1/4 the size of a red blood-corpuscle Star-shaped, or in irregular heaps
5. Subtertian parasite. Laveraniamalariæ (Plasmodium falciparum) Forty-eight hours or less Active; the movement remains present in the pigmented stage Fine; often shows oscillatory movement 1/2-2/3 the size of a red blood-corpuscle

Irregular heaps