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site. Occasionally we come across genuine megalocytes, and, not infrequently, certain very minute, darkly- coloured spherical corpuscles, which may be nucleated and of embryonic type. Erythrocytes with basophilic stippling are not uncommon. Some pathologists regard these basophilic granules as evidence of degeneration of the erythrocytes; P. Schmidt, however, considers them as evidences of regeneration, since they are most numerous during recovery. There may be marked irregularity of outline in many of the corpuscles, and an indisposition to form rouleaux.

The leucocytes in malaria.—— The leucocytes, especially the large mononuclear, play a very important part in malaria. In mild attacks their numbers, as observed in peripheral blood, decrease somewhat, both relatively to the red corpuscles and absolutely. In benign tertians and quartans their maximum is attained, according to Billings, two or three hours after the onset of chill. From this time there is a progressive diminution until the minimum is reached at the end of the paroxysm and when temperature has become subnormal. After this the number rises somewhat, and during the interval occupies" a position midway between the maximum and minimum. The large mononuclear elements are increased, both absolutely and relatively. Sometimes the mononuclear are as numerous as the polynuclear leucocytes, especially during apyrexia. A mononuclear leucocytosis of 15 per cent, and upwards, Christophers and Stephens regard as strong evidence of a malarial infection. With regard to the leucocytes in that type of fever which is caused by the crescent-forming small parasites, it is impossible, Billings says, to arrive at so definite a conclusion as in the cases of benign tertian. In the former type of case there appears to be a slight diminution in the number of leucocytes towards the end of the attacks, a diminution which is made good during the interval. Curiously enough, in certain severe pernicious attacks there is a decided increase of the leucocytes in the peripheral blood—— sometimes an