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The most suitable readily procurable salt for injection is the hydrochloride, or, better, the bihydrochloride, which is soluble in less than its own weight of water. The hydrobromide is equally soluble. If neither of these salts can be procured the sulphate may be used, solution being effected by adding half its weight of tartaric acid.*[1] Seven to 15 gr. dissolved in 30 to 60 min. of sterilized water would be a full dose; in grave cases this dose should be given three times in the twenty-four hours

In giving an intramuscular injection the needle should be driven well home, deep into the muscles of the gluteal or scapular region, the skin being previously carefully cleansed. The solution must be freshly prepared and boiled, and the syringe and needle thoroughly sterilized. A syringe having a well-fitting glass piston and a plugging needle is the best instrument for giving these injections. In the malignant fevers of Rome as much as a drachm of quinine, divided into three or four doses, is sometimes administered intramuscularly in the course of twenty-four hours with the best results.†[2]

  1. * The more serviceable salts of quinine, of which the bichloride of quinine and urea is one of the best, can now be procured in tabloid form specially prepared for intramuscular injection. These tabloids are much better than solutions, which cannot be kept for any length of time without risk of fouling.
  2. † SOLUBILITY AND EQUIVALENT VALUE or SALTS OF QUININE. Those marked by an asterisk are suitable for hypodermic injections.
    Name of salt. Percentage

    of the alkaloid in the salt.

    Solubility in

    cold water.


    equivalent in value to one of quinine sulphate. Header text

    Sulphate 73.5 In 800 parts 1.00
    Hydrochloride 81.8 " 40 " .90
    *Bihydrochloride 72.0 " 1 " 1.02
    Hydrobromide 76.6 " 45 " .96
    *Bihydrobromide 60.0 " 7 " 1.23
    Bisulphate 59.1 " 11 " 1.24
    Phosphate 76.2 " 420 " .96
    Valerianate 73.0 " 110 " 1.01
    *Lactate 78.2 " 10 " .94
    Salicylate 70.1 " 225 " 1.05
    *Hydrochloro-sulphate 74.3 " 2 " .99
    Arseniate 69.4 slightly soluble 1.06
    Tannate 20.0 " " 3.67
    *Bichl. of q. and urea