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14. Blackwater Fever 275
15. Dengue 293
16. Phlebotomus Fever 304
17. Spotted Fever of the Rocky Mountains 310
18. Japanese River Fever (Shima Mushi) 315
19. Rat-Bite Disease 319
20. Plague 320
21. Undulant Fever 362
22. Typhoid Fever in the Tropics, and Typho-Malarial Fever 376
23. Imperfectly Differentiated Fevers of the Tropics 384
24. Heat-Stroke 392
Section II.—General Diseases of Undetermined Nature
25. Beriberi (Kakke, Barbiers) 407
26. Epidemic Dropsy 433
27. Pellagra 437
Section III.—Abdominal Diseases
28. Cholera 456
29. Dysentery 490
30. Epidemic Gangrenous Rectitis 544
31. Hill Diarrhœa 546