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cords, testes, and scrotum in patients from the tropics should always be regarded as being possibly filarial.

Pathological anatomy.—On dissection these tumours are found to consist of bunches of varicose lymphatics, and, it may be, to form part of a vast lymphatic varix involving the pelvic and abdominal lymphatics.

Treatment.—Unless they give rise to an incapacitating amount of discomfort, and are the seat of frequent

Fig. 116—Unusually large varicose groin glands. (From photograph, Journ. of Trop. Med.)

attacks of lymphangitis, varicose groin glands are best left alone. It must always be remembered that they are part of an anastomosis necessary to life. Should they be very troublesome and incapacitate for work, they may be removed. In operating, strict aseptic methods must be practised, as septic lymphangitis readily occurs, and has frequently proved fatal after operations in such cases. Excision is not always satisfactory, as it may be followed by lymphorrhagia at the seat of the wound, by excessive dilatation of