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of the body. The first tarsal joint is jet black, and stands out prominently against the large cream-white pulvillus. The wings are of a smoky-brown colour with conspicuous venation.

The larva (Fig. 221) is of a dirty-white colour and semi-translucent. It consists of eleven distinct segments, and when fully grown measures about 15 mm. in length. The central part

Fig. 220.—Aucmaeromyia luteola, female.

of the ventral surface is flattened. At the posterior margin of each segment are three short limbs transversely arranged and provided with spines directed backwards. These enable the maggot to move about caterpillar-like and fairly rapidly. Laterally the segments bear two or more irregular protuberances, each of which has a posteriorly directed spine and a

Fig. 221.—Auchmeromyia luteola, larva.

small pit. The anterior segment is roughly conical, and bears the mouth, which is placed between two black hooks protruding from its apex and curved backwards towards the ventral surface of the body. Paired groups of minute teeth are placed around the two hooks so as to form a sort of cupping apparatus. The last segment is larger, depressed, and turned upwards at an angle of about 45 degrees with the rest of the body; two spiracles open on its dorsal surface, which is surrounded by spines. The anus is placed in the anterior