deck, were probably suffocated, as were also the chief engineer Mr George Angus, and Mr Allen, the superintending engineer (on behalf of Mr Seward the constructer of the engines,) as they were seen in the engine-room ten minutes before the fire broke out, going forward, there being no possibility of their return through the flames. (The second engineer, Mr William Angus, was on the spar deck, between the funnel and the crank gratings, pulling oars, and throwing them out of the way of the fire on the deck, near the boats.) The two best boats were stowed on the top of the sponsons where the flames prevented approach. After the Amazon was put about, she went at the rate of 12 or 13 knots, dead before the wind. One boat on the starboard side, the second cutter, was full of people, when the wash of the sea unhooked the foremast tackle ; she held on by the stern tackle, and her stern falling into sea, all except two were drowned, in consequence of the ship's speed. The pinnace was observed on the port side, towing by the fore tackle, behind the burning ship; and as no one cut the tow rope, the miserable passengers, who were all huddled together, were one after the other washed into the sea. The mail boat, which was also full of people, having shipped a quantity of water, went down alongside.
"When the flames had approached the after-companion, two male passengers came up from the saloon, all in flames, and running aft), fell on the deck. A tall lady, supposed to be Mrs Maclaren, entreated some one to take care of her child; but she would not enter either of the boats. Dineford, the quarter-master, placed one lady passenger in a boat; but she being extremely agitated, got out again, and although Henry Williams and another used some force and begged her to go in, she persisted in remaining on board. The stewardess, Mrs Scott, with her bonnet and shawl on, and something in her hand, first asked Steer to put her id the dingy, and then left for a larger boat. At the time of leaving, some of those who yet lived were kneeling on the deck praying to God for mercy; while others, almost in a state of nudity, were running about screaming with horror.
"The survivors escaped in the after-starboard second life-boat, in which was Mr Neilson. One of her occupants (Maylin) in leaving, pressed his foot through the burning deck and injured it ; two others (Williams and Passmore) had to climb the starboard paddle-box through the flames and smoke. They