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Late servant with Stonefield of Levenside,

Being sentenced to Death for the

Breaking of his master’s house.

He was brought from the prison of Dumbarton, about two o’clock, surrounded with a strong guard of armed men, he walked with more courage than ever any man was seen to do in his condition, until he came to the place of punishment. He first sung the 23rd Psalm from beginning to end, and after prayer was ended he addressed himself to the spectators in the following manner:You all came here to-day to look on me a poor sinful boy, my time has been short indeed in this world. Alas! it has been short, and spent in folly and madness: and now you look all upon my case as desperate, and this my untimely end to be without honor. But I bless the great God that created me, that it is my lot to die here this day, and that I did not die when going on in my sinful curse of wickedness, as many have done, and have not got so much as three minutes warning, before they were hurried into eternity. And now for a heart, O for an heart to bless the Lord for the time I have got since I received the sentence