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is born will be unhappy, and though he will be witty and ingenious, yet he shall be addicted to stealing. He that is minded to keep his money, ought on this day to abstain from gaming, else he may chance to lose all. Abstain from bleeding this day.

On the twenty-second day the child born shall be fortunate and purchase a good estate; he shall also be of a cheerful countenance, comely, and religious, and shall be well loved.

On the three and twentieth day the child born shall be of an ungovernable temper, and will give himself up to wandering abroad in the world, and seeking his fortune in foreign parts, and in the end shall be mistaken. This is a good day to choose a wife; for he that can meet with a good wife on that day, should marry her while he can have her.

On the twenty-fourth day the child then born shall be a prodigy in the world, and make all men admire his surprising wonderful actions, which shall exceed those of the ordinary sort of men.

On the twenty-fifth day the child then born shall be wicked; he shall encounter with many dangers and at last will perish by them. This is. an unfortunate day to those who begin any enterprise of moment thereon.

On the twenty-sixth day the child that shall be then born shall be very beautiful and amiable, but yet of an indifferent state in the world, if it be a male; but if it be a female, a rich man marries her for her beauty.

The twenty-seventh day the child that shall be born shall be of that sweet and affable temper and disposition, that it will contract the love of