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outward observances; but if their he(illegible text) does not relish it, or if their affections (illegible text)divided betwixt God and this world, th(illegible text) cannot be happy in Wisdom's ways. I may further add, that there are many who are sincere Christians, but their comfort (illegible text)much marred by ignorance—by the weakness of their faith—by judging of th(illegible text) state from improper, or fluctuating e(illegible text)dences, such as passionate emotions, &c. and there are some who are constitution (illegible text)ly of a melancholy cast. But none of the things can fairly and justly be attributed (illegible text) Wisdom's ways.

Thus have I evinced the truth of t(illegible text) proposition in the text, that the ways (illegible text) Wisdom are the ways of pleasantness, and all her paths peace; and have also endeavoured to obviate the most plausible objections that are raised by the unbelieving heart against the Christian profession. I (illegible text) me now, before I dismiss the subject, cal(illegible text)ly expostulate with those, if any such the(illegible text) be, who are so unhappy as to have imbib(illegible text) these unfounded prejudices against religion or the ways of Christ. You are anxious(illegible text) seeking after happiness; but alas, you are vainly pursuing it in a course where it never yet was found, and where indeed it is impossible in the nature of things y(illegible text)