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And hence in the prospect of death he enjoyed perfect peace and tranquility of mind. Mark the perfect, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.

Such was the comfortable state of mind in which the apostle Paul contemplated his approaching dissolution; and such in some degree, will be the experience of all, in the contemplation of death, who, with the apostle, have obtained like precious faith in the promises of God; who are justified by faith in the righteousness of Jesus, sanctified by his word and Spirit, and saved by his grace reigning through righteousness unto eternal life.

But on the other hand, how different are the effects produced in the minds of those who disbelieve the gospel, in the prospect of death and judgment. If they reflect at all on the shortness and uncertainty of time, their minds are filled with pain and anxiety. They have no well grounded hope of appearing with safety before the Judge of the living and the dead! Indeed the very prospect of this fills their guilty minds with horror. They cannot endure it, and hence the numerous sinful pleasures which men have contrived to kill time, and banish the reflections of futurity from their minds. In this way many succeed so long as health and prosperity are continued. But when some mortal disease seizes their body, and the king of terrors stares them in the face, they have nothing to support their mind, and nothing can defend their mortal body from the stroke of death. "The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death."

Others again who are still more hardened in their infidelity and rebellion against God, when death stares them in the face, betake themselves to the miserable doctrine of annihilation. But such a refuge or rather subterfuge, is vain. it is sure to misgive in the hour of extremity. It is impossible for a guilty sinner to divest himself of the keen apprehensions of