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Who afterwards were ransomed
for twenty merks a man:
The rest set spurs to horse and fled,
away to Warrington,
The Bishop sore enraged then,
did in King Richard's name,
Muster up a power of men,
these outlaws bold to tame;
But Robin with his courtesy,
so won the meaner sort,
That they were loth on him to try,
what rigour did impart,
So that bold Robin and his men
did live unhurt of them.
Until King Richard came again,
from fair Jerusalem.
And then the tale of Robin Hood
his royal ears did fill,
His grace admir'd in the green wood,
he was continued still.
So that the country far and near,
did give him great applause,
For none of them need stand in fear,
but such as broke his laws,
He wished well unto the king,
and pray'd still for his health,
And never practis'd any thing,
against the commonwealth
Only because he was undone,
by the cruel clergy then,