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By law all the rest of his train,
full quickly should be quell'd.
Of more than full an hundred men,
but forty tarry'd still,
Who were resolvd to stand by him,
let fortune work her will.
If none had fled, then all had got,
a pardon for his sake free,
Them into pardon means to take,
his merry men and he,
But ere the pardon to him came,
this famous archer dy'd:
The death and manner of the same,
I'll presently describe.
For being vext to think upon
his followers revolt,
In melancholy passion then
he did recount the fault.
Perfidious traitors, said he then,
in all your manners past.
I have guarded you as my men,
now serve me thus at last:
This sad perplexity did cause
a fever as some say;
Which him into confusion draws
tho' by a stranger way.
This deadly danger to prevent,
he held him with all speed,
Unto a nunnery with intent,
for health's sake there to bleed,