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deriving one from another. We cannot derive extension from unity, but extension must be concomitant with unity; extension and unity are concomitant in one particle. We cannot derive speed from extension, but the thing which has speed must have extension. We cannot derive persistence from speed, but that which has persistence must have speed. So we may run through all permutations of these essentials and find them wholly unlike one another and discover no possible way of deriving one from the other. Notwithstanding their total unlikeness, they are never dissociated so that one exists without the other; they may be considered separately but cannot exist separately. They cannot be analyzed and the unity placed in one box, the extension in a second, the speed in a third, the persistence in a fourth; but they may be considered separately, and this is abstraction as distinguished from analysis. Bodies may be dissected, substances may be analyzed, essentials may be abstracted in consideration.

The essentials are indissoluble in every particle. Where there is no unit there is no extension, no speed and no persistence. Where there is no speed there is no unit, no extension, no persistence. Where there is no persistence there is no unit, no extension and no speed. If any of the essentials of a particle of inanimate matter be taken away, the matter disappears. A particle is the essentials of which it is composed, and it has no other substrate. It exists in its essentials, and its essentials exist in it, and neither existence is separate. The notion of a particle of matter as a substrate of essentials, or as something to which the essentials adhere or inhere