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1. The Forward Roll Over. Double up close, and finish standing erect on toes. Figs. 1, 2, 3.

2. The Forward Roll Over, grasping toes throughout roll. Fig. 4.

3. The Forward Roll Over, grasping toes, legs crossed Fig. 5.

4. The Forward Roll Over, arms between legs, hands on outside of ankles. Fig. 6.

5. The Forward Roll Over, arms between legs, hands clasped. Fig. 7.

6. The Forward Roll Over, arms at side horizontal throughout exercise. Do not touch mat with hands. Commence standing on right foot, swing the left to front to get momentum, and then under and back as you roll over to erect position on right foot again. Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11.

7. The Forward Roll Over. Same as No. 6, starting on left foot.

8. The Forward Roll Over. To lying flat on back.

9. The Forward Roll Over, with half-turn to face downward.

10. The Forward Roll Over, feet spread, arms in different positions.

11. The Forward Roll Over, arms folded, come to standing position.