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without raising either hand, jump between hands to lying-down position on back.

37. Roll Down. From hand stand incline head and shoulders forward, bend arms until chest touches, keep back arched, roll to lying-down position on mat, then to knees, and jump to feet immediately.

38. Head Stand and Roll Down.

39. Lie on back, raise feet up in air, place the hands just above the hips, with elbows, upper arms and shoulders touching mat, bend and straighten knees with a snap, thus progressing backward on shoulders.

40. Head Spring. Place head (touching upper part of forehead, not the back of head) between and in advance of hands on mat. As you snap feet over shove hard from hands and head. Alight in standing position, with knees bent. Fig. 14.

N. B.—Always place head on mat easily, thus obviating jars.

41. Same as No. 40, only alighting knees stiff and back arched.

42. Same as No. 40, without hands.

43. Repeat No. 40, alight on right foot, and hold balance.

44. Repeat No. 40, alight on left foot, and hold balance.

45. Twisting Head Spring. Same as No. 40, only twist the body to right or left, and land facing starting position.

46. The Balance Head Spring. From head stand bend at waist, with knees stiff, execute head spring without touching feet to floor.

47. Same as No. 46,. but with neck spring.

48. Neck Spring (snap up). Place back of head and neck on mat between hands. Same movement as head spring. Fig. 15.