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15. Back Hand Spring, or "Flip" (the most difficult of all tumbling exercises). From standing position raise the heels, bend the knees, let the hands go back past sides, keep the body, from waist up, straight, stoop until hands can nearly touch the mat; from this position throw the hands swiftly forward and upward, at the same time raise on toes (but do not jump at all), arching the back well in, head and arms thrown as far back as possible; pull the body over by momentum of shoulders, body, and head. Figs. 23, 24, 25.

16. Hand Stand, Snap to Feet, and Flip.

17. Hand Stand, Snap to Feet, Flip, and Back.

18. A Row of Flips; Two or More in Quick Succession.

19. Alternate Flips and Backs.

20. Round Off and Flip.

21. Round Off, Flip, and Back.

22. Twisting Flip. As the hands hit, twist the body and alight facing in opposite direction from which you started.

23. A Series of Twisting Flips. The hands strike about the same place each time.

24. Twisting Back. Regular movement, only throw head hard to right or left and alight facing opposite direction from which you started. Fig. 74.

25. Hand Stand, Snap to Feet, and Twisting Flip.

26. Round Off and Twisting Back.

27. Running Twisting Forward Somersault. Regular movement, only throw head hard to right or left, and alight facing direction from which you started.

28. Running Side Somersault. Alight sideways and turn sideways.

Devise, invent, and make up your own combinations.