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The following list contains the Group and the Number of the book of Spalding's Athletic Library in which the rules wanted are contained. See front pages of book for complete list of Spalding's Athletic Library.

Event. All-Round Athletic Cham- pionship A. A. U. Athletic Rules A. A. U. Boxing Rules A. A. U. Gymnastic Rules. . A. A. U. Water Polo Rules. A. A. U. Wrestling Rules. . . Archery Badminton Base Ball Indoor Basket Ball, Official Collegiate Women's Water Basket Goal Bat Ball Betting Bowling Boxing — A. A. U., Marquis of Queensbury, London Prize Ring Broadsword (mounted) Caledonian Games Canoeing Children's Games Court Tennis Cricket Croquet Curling Dog Racing. ' Fencing Foot Ball Code of Rules Association (Soccer) English Rugby Canadian Golf Golf-Croquet Hand Ball Hand Polo Hand Tennis Hitch and Kick Hockey Ice Field Garden . Lawn Parlor Ring Ontario Hockey Ass'n Indoor Base Ball Intercollegiate A. A. A. A. . I.-C. Gymnastic Ass'n Lacrosse. U. S. I.-C. Lacrosse Leagrue No. 182 311 311 311 311 311 248 188 1 9 7 312 318 55 188 55 55 162 55 55 23 189 194 3 138 14 55 165 2 334 2a 55 332 5 188 13 188 194 55 304 6 154 188 188 188 55 256 9 307 201 337 Event. Lawn Bowls Lawn Games Lawn Tennis Obstacle Races Olympic Game Events — Mar- athon Race, Stone Throw- ing with Impetus, Spear Throwing, HellenicMethod of Throwing Discus. Dis- cus, Greek Style for Youths Pigeon Flying Pin Ball Playground Ball Polo (Equestrian) Polo, Rugby Polo, Water(A. A. U.).. Potato Racing Professional Racing, Shef- field Rules Public Schools Athletic League Athletic Rules. Girls' Branch ; including Rules for School Games . Push Ball Push Ball, Water Quoits Racquets Revolver Shooting Ring Hockey Roller Polo Roller Skating Rink Roque Rowing Sack Racing Shuffleboard Skating Skittles Snowshoeing Squash Racquets Swimming Tether Tennis Three- Legged Race Volley Ball Wall Scaling Walking Water Polo ( American) Water Polo (English) Wicket Polo Wrestling Y. M. C. A. All-Round Test. Y. M. C. A. Athletic Rules. . Y. M. C. A. Hand Ball Rules. Y.M.C.A. Pentathlon Rules Y.M.C.A. Volley Ball Rules.