Page:Tupper family records - 1835.djvu/197

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three hundred tons The river is navigable for small vessels

and barges, through a fertile and well inhabited country, where every article of produce is cheaper than at Conception or Valparaiso, as far as the city of Talca."

(See page 53.)

Lord Cochrane, after the capture of Valdivia, attacked Chiloe in 1820, but was repulsed with some loss. Major (now the celebrated General) Miller was severely wounded at Chiloe, and in his me- moirs speaks highly of the courage and devotion of the Chile soldiers, who exposed their lives to bring him off, when his wounds rendered him incapable of retreating.

By a census of 1827, the population of the archipelago of Chiloe was ascertained to be forty-three thousand two hundred and ninety souls. Public instruction was gaining ground, and four thousand four hundred and eighty-nine children then attended the schools. Captain Tupper wrote in 1824, that Quintanilla had done much towards the advancement of these islands, that they were covered with sheep, and were in a high state of cultivation. He added, that potatoes grew almost spontaneously, and that the country was beautiful, much like England. — Ed.

No. 3. Extract from " Kotzebues Voyage round the JVorld."

At anchor off Talcahuana, January, 1824. — Speaking of the president, General Freire, at that time in Conception, and about to proceed with three thousand men against Chiloe, the captain observes : —

" Freire, who had already distinguished himself as a general, is a stately looking man, at that time about forty-five years of age, and of a very agreeable exterior ; he was born at Talcahuana, of very poor parents, and, without enjoying any particular advantage of education, he raised himself, by his own merit alone, to the high rank he occupies.

" The little town (Talcahuana) was soon filled with warlike tumult. A grenadier regiment from Conception marched in with drums beating, and a very good band playing. The uniform was in the French fashion, clean and substantial ; the muskets were in the best order."

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