Page:Turkey, the great powers, and the Bagdad Railway.djvu/18

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VII Russia Resists and France is Uncertain 147
      Russia Voices Her Displeasure 147
      The French Government Hesitates 153
      French Interests Are Believed to be Menaced 157
      The Bagdad Railway Claims French Supporters 165

VIII Great Britain Blocks the Way 176
      Early British Opinions Are Favorable 176
      The British Government Yields to Pressure 180
      Vested Interests Come to the Fore 189
      Imperial Defence Becomes the Primary Concern 195
      British Resistance is Stiffened by the Entente 202

 IX The Young Turks Are Won Over 217
      A Golden Opportunity Presents Itself to the Entente
        Powers 217
      The Germans Achieve a Diplomatic Triumph 222
      The German Railways Justify Their Existence 229
      The Young Turks Have Some Mental Reservations 235

  X Bargains Are Struck 239
      The Kaiser and the Tsar Agree at Potsdam 239
      French Capitalists Share in the Spoils 244
      The Young Turks Conciliate Great Britain 252
      British Imperial Interests Are Further Safeguarded 258
      Diplomatic Bargaining Fails to Preserve Peace 266

 XI Turkey, Crushed to Earth, Rises Again 275
      Nationalism and Militarism Triumph at Constantinople 275
      Asiatic Turkey Becomes One of the Stakes of the
        War 279
      Germany Wins Temporary Domination of the
        Near East 287
      "Berlin to Bagdad" Becomes but a Memory 292
      To the Victors Belong the Spoils 300
      "The Ottoman Empire is Dead. Long Live
        Turkey!" 303

XII The Struggle for the Bagdad Railway is Resumed 314
      Germany is Eliminated and Russia Withdraws 314
      France Steals a March and is Accompanied by
        Italy 318