Page:Turkey, the great powers, and the Bagdad Railway.djvu/46

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1 Count L. Ostrorog, The Turkish Problem (Paris, 1915, English translation, London, 1919), Chapter II; Leon Dominian, The Frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe (London, 1917); V. Bérard, Le Sultan, l'Islam, et les puissances (Paris, 1907), pp. 15 et seq.; E. Fazy, Les Turcs d'aujourd'hui (Paris, 1898); A. Vamberry, Das Türkenvolk (Leipzig, 1885); A. Geiger, Judaism and Islam (London, 1899). Regarding Arab nationalism, in particular, cf. N. Azoury, Le réveil de la nation arabe (Paris, 1905); E. Jung, Les puissances devant la révolte arabe (Paris, 1906). A fascinating tale of the Arab separatist movement during the Great War is that of L. Thomas, "Lawrence: the Soul of the Arabian Revolution," in Asia (New York), April, May, June, 1920. Cf., also, H. S. Philby, The Heart of Arabia (2 volumes, New York, 1923).

2 There is a wealth of material upon the problems of the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Abdul Hamid. In particular, consult the following: A. Vamberry, La Turquie d'aujourd'hui et d'avant quarante ans (Paris, 1898); C. Hecquard, La Turquie sous Abdul Hamid (Paris, 1901); G. Dory, Abdul Hamid Intime (Paris, 1901); Sir Edwin Pears, The Life of Abdul Hamid (London, 1917); W. Miller, The Ottoman Empire, 1801-1913 (Cambridge, 1913), Chapters XVI-XVIII; N. Verney and G. Dambmann, Les puissances étrangères dans le Levant, en Syrie, et en Palestine (Paris, 1900); Baron von Oppenheim, Von Mittelmeer zum persischen Golfe (2 volumes, Berlin, 1899-1900); Lavisse and Rambaud, Histoire Générale (12 volumes, 1894-1901), Volume XI, Chapter XV; Volume XII, Chapter XIV; R. Davey, The Sultan and His Subjects (London, 1897); V. Cardashian, The Ottoman Empire of the Twentieth Century (Albany, N. Y., 1908).

3 The texts of the various treaties of capitulation may be found in G. E. Noradounghian (ed.), Recueil d'actes internationaux de l'Empire ottoman, 1300-1902 (4 volumes, Paris, 1897-1903), Volume I, documents numbers 153, 170, 196, 201, etc., ad lib., Volume II, numbers 499, 593, etc., ad lib.; also Recueil des traités de la Porte ottomane avec les puissances étrangères, 1536-1901 (10 volumes, Paris, 1864-1901), passim; E. A. Van Dyck, Report on the Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire, Forty-seventh Congress, Special Session, Senate Executive Document No. 3, First Session, Senate Executive Document No. 87 (Washington, 1881-1882); G. Pelissie du Rausas, Le régime des capitulations dans l'Empire ottoman (2 volumes, Paris, 1902-1905); A. R. von Overbeck, Die Kapitulationen des osmanischen Reiches (Breslau, 1917); W. Lehman, Die Kapitulationen (Weimar, 1917); P. M.