Page:Turkish fairy tales and folk tales (1901).djvu/50

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the poor hut opened hither and thither, and three beautiful damsels of the Peri race stepped into it. One stood at the damsel's head, another at her feet, the third by her side, and they all seemed to know their business well. In a moment everything in the poor hut was in order, the princess lay on a beautiful soft couch, and before she could blink her eyes a pretty little new-born baby girl was lying by her side. When everything was finished the three Peris set about going, but first of all they approached the bed one by one, and the first said:

"Rosa be thy damsel's name,
And she shall weep not tears but pearls!"

The second Peri approached the bed and said:

"Rosa be thy damsel's name,
The rose shall blossom when she smiles!"

And the third Peri wound up with these words:

"Rosa be thy damsel's name,
Sweet verdure in her footsteps spring!"

whereupon they all three disappeared.

Now all this time the husband was seeking a midwife, but could find one nowhere. What could he do but go home? But when he got back he was amazed to find everything in the poor hut in beautiful order, and his wife lying on a splendid