Page:Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China.djvu/853

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Hall & Holtz, 646, 651 Hall, Mr. E., 781 Halse, Mr. S. J., 622 Hamburg-Amerika Linie, 202, 466 Hankow, 692 ; brick and tile works, 710, 714 ; British Consulate at, 698 ; Bund in winter, 694; business men, 710; club, 696 ; Daily News, 366 ; foreign municipal police, 696 ; Foreign Settlement at, 693 ; French Municipal Council, 699 ; Pharmacie Centrale, 721, 722 ; Race Club, 700, 701 ; Russian Club, 700 ; Russian Consul at, 699 ; Russian Settlement at, 695 ; Wagons Lits Hotel Terminus, 704, 706 ; Waterworks and Electric Light Company, 708 Hankow to Peking Railways, 677 Han San inscriptions, 831 Hanson, Mr. J. C, 407 Hanwell, Surgeon-Lieutenant G., 420 Hanyang Iron and Steel Works, 704, 708 Hardoon, Mr. S. A., 620 Harris, Mr. A. H., 834 Harris, Mr. T. H., 466 Harston, Mr. J. S., H2, 173 Hart, Sir Robert, 89, 283 Hastings, Mr. G. A., 112, 172 Hastings, Mr. John, 172 Hausser, Mr. P. F., 834 Haworth, R., & Co., 634, 643 Hayashi, Viscount, 758 Hayley-Bell, Lieutenant F., 417 Hayter, Mr. H. W. G., 364 Hazeland, Mr. E. M., 173, 219 Hazeland, Mr. F. A., in, 112 Hewett, Hon. Mr. E. A., 104, 108 Hickie, Mr. A., 219 Hickling, Mr. N. W., 603 Hienfung, Emperor, last days of, 88 Hillebrandt & Co., 642, 644 Hillier, Mr. E. G., 759, 760 Hinckley, Mr. F. E,, 405 Ming Loong Ginger Factory, 248 Hirano, Mr. Y., 622, 634 His Excellency Yen Fuh, 534 Ho Fook, Mr., 178 Ho Kai, Hon. Dr., 104, 109 Ho Kom Tung, Mr., 174, 175 Ho Nai Hop, Dr., 180 Ho Tung, Mr., 176, 177 Hoare, Right Rev. J. C, drowned at Hongkong, 94 Hobson, Mr. H. E., 456, 478 Hodgson, Mr. P. M., H2 Hoerter, Mr. M., 523 Hogg, Mr. A. v., 785 Hogg, Mr. E. Jenner, 516. 518 Hoko, Tsun, Dr., 180 Holliday, Wise & Co., 608, 609 Homicide, Chinese law of, 40 Hongkew Recreation Ground, 506 Hongkong : Aberdeeen from the Peak, view of, 154 ; agitation

against Sir J. Pope-Hennessy's

administration, 84 ; banking, 116 ; cession of, 50 ; Chamber of Commerce, 159 ; Chinese Club, 172 ; constitution and law, 99 ; City Hall, 161 ; Club Lusitano, 172 ; clubs, 169 ; College of Medicine, 264 ; court of justice established at, 60, 101 ; created a Crown Colony, 60 ; currency, 114 ; Daily Press, 350 ; description of, 145 ; Des Voeux Road, view of, 153 ; education at, 121 ; electric tramways, 164 ; Ellis Kadoorie Chinese School Society, 126 ; Executive Council, 105 ; fauna, 138 ; finance, 1 13 ; first Anglican Cathedral at, 327 ; first occupa- tion of, 48, 56 ; flora, 135 ; Gazelle, 344 ; German Club at, 171 ; Government House at,

; harbour and Kowloon, 

view of, 150 ; harbour, ships carrying Lord Amherst's mis- sion anchor in, 43 ; health and hospitals, 262 ; industries, 235 ; information for tourists, 683 ; inspectorate of schools, 122 ; journalism at, 80 ; Legislative Council, 100. 105 ; Lloyd's Greater Britain Company's othces, viewof, 155 ; Ly-ee-mun, Chinese residences at, 155 ; meteorology, 509 ; Mr. R. Montgomery Martin's indict- ment of, 58 ; Mountain Lodge,

; Municipal Government, 

100 ; navy, army, and volunteers, 272 ; new Government Oflices. 162 ; new Law Courts, 164; Nippon Club, 172 ; Peak Club, 169 : Peak tramways, 166 ; Peak, views of, 147, 152 ; Phcenix Club, 171 ; police, prisons, and fire brigade, 266 ; posts, cables, and telephones, 133 ; Press group, 345 ; Press, the, 343 ; public gardens, 130, 13I1 1.35 ; public works, 129; Queen's College at, 123 ; Queen Victoria statue at, 148 ; race- course, 251 ; revenue and ex- penditure, 113; Roman Catholic Cathedral at, 324 ; St, Andrew's Church, Kowloon, 330 ; St. George's Club, 171 ; St. Joseph's English College, 124, 126 ; St. Paul's College, 127 ; Sanitary Board, 157 ; Select Committee of 1847 reports on, 58 ; Sir W. G. des Voeux's description of, 94 ; social life, 341 ; sport, 250 ; statue of Sir Thomas Jackson at, 148 ; Telegraph, 351 ; treaty of Nanking ratified at, 55 ; Tung Wah Hospital, 175, 177, 263 ; typhoon of September 18, 1904, 94, 510 ; unhealthiness of, 59 ; Union Church, 336 ; unofficial members first nominated to the Legislative Council, 80 ; Victoria, city of, built, 56 ; Victoria, city of, map of, 146 ; Victoria, city of, view of, 150 ; Victoria Recreation Clubhou>e, 251 ; Volunteer Corps, 274 ; Wardley Street, view of, 154 ; Wyndham Street, view of, 153 ; Yacht Club House, 255. Hongkong and China Gas Com- pany, 167 Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company, 189, 198 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, 115, 118, 439, 700, 721, 731, 732. 759. 760, 821 Hongkong Cotton Spinning, Weaving, and Dyeing Company, 236 Hongkong Electric Company, 168 Hongkong Electric Traction Company, 165 Hongkong Ice Company, 240 Hongkong Pipe, Brick and Tile Company, 238 Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Company, 238 Hoo Erh Mai, Mr., 527, 556 • Hooper, Mr. A. Shelton, 157, , 267 Hope, Sir James, 87 Hopkins, Dunn & Co., 474 Hotel de la Paix, Tientsin, 736 Hotel des Colonies, 688, 689 Hotung Baugesellschaft, 749, 751 Howard, Mr. W. E., 719 Howarth, Erskine, Ltd., 594, 599 Hue Cheng Yong, Mr. 532 Hung Chong & Co., 662, 664 Hung Kwong To (the late), Mr.,

Hunter, Dr. Wm,, 265 Hunter, Mr, H, E. R,, 442 Ichang, 698 Ilbert & Co., 608 Imperial Bank of China, 444 Imperial Brewing Company, 249 Imperial Hotel, Tientsin, 735, 736 Imperial Post Office, 490 Imperial Railways of North China,

Indo-China Steam Navigation Company, 205, 207, 474, 481 Information for tourists, 683 Inglis, Mr, W. F., 603 Innocent, Captain J. W., 417 Inshallah Dairy Farm, 656, 659 I on Marine and Fire Insurance Cotnpany, 231 Interlopers, East India Company's troubles with, 27 Irving, Mr. E. A., 128 Isaacs, Mr. M. J., 838 Ilo, Mr. Y., 620 Jacks, Mr. Phillip, 267 Jaffer, Mr. M,, 652 Jameson, Lieutenant G. M , 417 Jangstun Steam Brick Works, Tientsin, 740 Japan Cotton Trading Companv, > 720 Japan, early English trade with,

Jaques & Co., 741, 742 Jardine, Matheson & Co., 205, 210, , 240, 459, 477, 481, 602, 604, , 703, 709, 727 Java-China-Japan Line, 209 Jezierski, Count, 739 Jin Chong Silk Filature Company, , 574 Johnson, Mr. Y., 234 Johnston, Mr. James, 520, 523 Johnston, Mr. L. A. M., 134 Johnstone, Mr. J., 603 Jokhee, Mr. Pestonjee B., 838 Jones, Mr. P. N. H., 132, 267 Jones, Staff-Surgeon K. H., 141 Jordan, Dr. G. P., 265, 267 Jordan, Sir J. N., 757 Jorge & Co,, 222 Jorge, Mr. F., 219 Junk Bay Flour Mills, 240 Kearton, Captain W., 363 Kelly & Walsh, 224 Kennedy's, Sir A. E., administra- tion of Hongkong, 84 Kerfoot, Mr. James, 302, 603 Kershaw, Mr. J, C, 138 Keswick, Hon. Mr. H., 104, 110 Keying, Commissioner, 65, 74 Kiaking, Emperor, and Lord Amherst's mission, 44 Kiangsu Chemical Works, 578,

Kiaochau occupied by Germany,

Kienlung, Emperor, accession of,

; receives Lord Macartney, 

Kierulff & Co., 761 Kin Gen Sang, Mr., 527, 544, 546 King Chun San, Mr., 534 King Kai Tong, Mr. 663 King, Mr. H. F., 781 Kingman, Mr. H. B., 528, 568 Kingsmill, Mr. G., 422 Kinipple, Inspector W., 508 Kirchner & Boger, 654 Kleemann, Mr, O., 739, 752 Kleeschulte, Mr. W., 737, 748 Kloeckner, Mr. H., 739 Klose & Co., 642 Ko Desong, Mr., 532, 570 Koiize, Lieutenant S., 417 Kobato, Mr. K., 620 Koch & Co., 747, 748 Kochien Transportation and Tow Boat Company, 479 Koch, Lieutenant C., 417 Koh Fai Seek, Mr., 229 Koh Kai Shun, Mr., 229 Koh Mah Wah, Mr., 229 Koh Wan Kuin, Mr., 229 Koh Yiell Qieu, M: ., 229 Kolkmeyer, Mr. F., 719 Koo King Cha, Mr., 527 Kotow, Lord Amherst declines to, 43 ; Lord Macartney de- clines to, 38 Kow Kee & Co,, 578, 583 Kowloon-Canton Railway, 681 Kowloon Hotel, 684 Kowloon Peninsula occupied, 56, .95 Kristy, Mr. C, 768 Kruse & Co., 220 Kuhn & Co., 648, 652 Kulangsu Settlement, 815 Kuling, scenery near, 697 Kum Hon Shun, Mr., 554 Kung, Prince, receives first British Minister at Peking, 88 Kwan, Admiral, killed, 50 Kwan Chiping, Mr., 534, 564 Kwangsu, Emperor, superseded,

Kwan Sum Yin, Dr., 180 Kvveiliang, Commissioner, 73, 77 Kwoh Chu Ching, Mr., 754 Kwong Hee Ying, Mr., 229, 230 Kwong Hip Lung & Co.. 244 Kwong river steamers, 209 Laferriere, M. G., 408 Lalcaca, Surgeon-Major C, 415 Lambton, Vice-Admiral Sir Hed- worth, 273 Lammert, Mr. F., 219 Lammert, Mr. George P., 222 Lammert, George & Co., 221 Lammert, Mr. H. A., 222 Lan Chu Pak, Mr., 174 Lan Fat, Mr,, 247 Landale, Mr. David, 405,407,520,

Lander, Right Rev. G. H., 331 Lane, Crawford & Co., 213, 214, , 650 Laou Kung Mow Cotton Spinning and Weaving Company, 573, Lappa Customs, the, 805 Lavers, Lieutenant P. F., 414 Law, Mr. W. M., 620 Layng, Mr. H., 835