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" Know ye not that your life is no discord ?
There is never a note to spare ;
There is never a sigh ye can breathe till ye die
But it maketh the harmony there.

" Life is one, all along, little children,
From the first to the last it is known j
There are tears shed on earth that are seeds sown for Heaven, —
Ye reap not until ye have sown."

Then He led us away through the shadows,
And we took up our burden of pain ;
But He said, " Lo, I go with you always, mine own ;
Ye must never be vanquished again."

As our eyes gained their vision He vanished,
But we felt that we were not alone ;
As He rose we could hear, through the dark sounding clear, —
" Ye reap not until ye have sown."

Love, I was dreaming, was dreaming,
It is better to sleep than to wake ;
You and I were at rest, in the land of the blest,
You had followed me there for love's sake.