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tender moods when he comes to his aunt, saying, ' Auntie Bessie, kiss me, as though you loved me.' " ***** "For three weeks I was alone — it was queer but pleasant. There is a curious rest in perfect solitude. Long ago when I was a little child, I remember sobbing out that ' I should always be good if there were no people in the world, ' — nice sentiment, as I was always begging for some little girl to tea." ***** " Bertie's sister Daisy said rather a good thing the other day. She was troublesome, and her mamma said, ' Daisy, if you bother me so, I shall give you to the butcher, and then what will you do?' * Then I shall bother the butcher,' said Daisy, tranquilly ; tolerably cool and clear for two years old — at least she is not three yet ! ' " ***** "We had a visitation yesterday from a cousin, aged eleven, who talks of demanding a latch key, because it is ' such a nuisance,' he says, 'to be fetched home directly after supper.' He is rather a young Philistine." ***** "Bertie gave me his views of his future career, to the effect that if cabmen have a monument in St. Paul's he will be a cab- man ; if not, a general." ***** " I am afraid you will not be so romantic as our old postman, who, when somebody once sent me a Rimmel's Almanack, begged for the almanack to lay among his things, to give him pleasant fancies. Poor fellow ! he died of the gout not long after."