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"I will come too," said Mark ; his mother cried,
" Not him, he looks — as did his father once —
As though he loathed me ; no, I will not him."
" I can take care of her," said Agnes, then.
" And who of you ? "
She smiled, " Oh, I am safe."
"Yes, I forgot; 'tis even as they say,
Seraphs are safe within the jaws of hell."
Mark yielded ; but as Agnes turned to go,
She laid her little hand upon his arm
With gentlest touch, and with sweet penitence,
As though she stole some filial right from him,
Said, " Dear, you know it is my mother, too."
So they passed out, bright youth and dreary age ;
And as a staircase light fell on them there,
We saw an awful likeness in the pair.
Mark laid his forehead where her hand had lain,
And sighed, as one who sighs out life in pain.
" O God ! 'twas this I knew, 'twas this I feared,
To see the trouble grow into her eyes ;