Page:Twilight of the Souls (1917).djvu/319

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"I daresay, but it's not the thing. Uncle ought to be in the first coach."

"Yes; and you too, Karel."

"Yes; and you too, Saetzema, of course."

"Well . . . I daresay it's a mistake. The thing wasn't arranged. . . ."

"No; but when Van der Welcke has to arrange a thing . . . !"

"It was that young bounder who arranged things."


"Of course."

"Oh, so that young bounder arranged things!"

"Look here, what are we to say to Mamma?"

"Well, I don't intend to mention it. For that matter, I know nothing."

"Nor I. The women had better do it."

"But they're too much upset."

"The best thing will be not to say anything."

"Yes, it's best not to say anything to Mamma."

"Lord, what a day! . . . And to have to ride for an hour in this weather at a foot's pace . . . behind the body of an undergraduate who has been sent down from Leiden and must needs run away to Paris with his sister and become a circus-clown . . ."

"And go getting murdered into the bargain! But we mustn't tell anybody that. No, no, we won't speak about it. We'll merely say that he was