Here, in former times, these sacred monkeys
In a lordly church were fondly cherished
By the tender care of pious Hindoos,
’Neath the goddess Durga’s patron hand:
But when Church and city fell to ruin,
By the guile of wicked foes deflowered,
They remained above the ruined city
Only dwellers in that lonely land.
Sated were they with the luscious fruitage
Of the forest lords whose green recesses
Rang from morn to eve enlivened by the
Dance and chatter of their apish fold.
These grotesque of body were, a long tail
Smartly clasped the branches like a lasso;
’Neath a front of irrepressive bristles
Peeped a mask of wholly human mould.
Much as other apes they lived and flourished,
Save obedient to divine prescription,
One of them was recognised their monarch
And the royal dignity began
And descended in unbroke succession
By inheritance from sire to sire,
Handed downward from the half-diving one,
Apedom’s glorious hero—Hanuman.
Hanuman the last was now, in childhood,
By his gracious mother fondly tended;
his virtues kindled every ape-heart
With the prescience of his future fame.