All duly fetched in manner orderly;
Then only, when a proper invent’ry
Is taken, will I serve all out in packets
To each in keeping with his quality,
And teach you how to live up to your jackets.”
How Hanuman depict in fitting manner
That mighty change in all things, high and low,
Wherewith, great Peter’s compeer, at a blow
O’er Apedom thou didst hoist fair culture’s banner!
How deftly wert thou skilled to use the stores
The ship’s broad shoulders brought thee to thy shores;
Those side scenes, costumes and a hundred trifles,
Of which is built our real world’s scenic rival’s:
With these thou hadst in thy still forest grove meant
To found a world, of well bred apes the sure hope,
Whose polish fine and cultivated movement
Should more than run abreast with that of Europe.
Who could believe, but now, in simple fleeces
Of their own hair, they crept o’er trees and trailers—
Those figures, that now prank it in pelisses,
Gowns, mantles, frock-coats cut by West-end tailors;
Who carry fans and double eyeglasses,
And cut each other courtly reverences!
Who’d ere divine an apish hind hand fleecy
In those soft Paris pumps or Hessian pairs—
You’d say, perhaps, the cobbler sewed too easy.
And soon those forms—an upright gait is theirs.
Out from the hip they swing in style disdaining
All props—such wonders come from constant training.