And most of all is furniture deficient,
One divan ’twixt two families divided,
For one an old arm chair must be sufficient,
And thus a law of true politeness is it
To take your chair with you upon a visit.
To compensate of clothes there was a surfeit,
That if he chose a populous empire
The king could duly clothe in man’s attire,
For there was everything from rags to fur, fit
For every calling, every social grade,
Of which the intricate civic state is made,
And nought remained, but give the apes a hint or two
How to behave in their respective vestures,
How cringe and regulate obsequious squint or toe,
And how manipulate their smirks and gestures
To have a folk just like the folk they copied,
And here the prince gave without stint or stop aid.
His realm in all had human regulations,
Ay, e’en a Constitution’s delectations,
He gave his apes the right, as Europe teaches,
In halls of delegates to make fine speeches,
Here deputies take thought about new taxes,
Bright flower of empire these, in peace and quiet:
Some, perhaps oppose: the Government relaxes:
And all refer the question to the Diet.
Of different laws with zeal, too, they debated,
And their debate-before the king they laid it:
Who, in full glory, from his throne just bending,—
It was a spectacle august to view,—
Gave ear to all, most bland and condescending,
And then did just what he’d a mind to do.
The State a swarm of bureaucrats directed;