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coming from you." "I believe it, my beauty!" exclaimed the king; "wait but a little while, and all England shall attest the love I bear to her who will then be its mistress. But I will not go hence without a token in return. Will you give me this little ring?" and he took up the one which Lord Percy had once placed on the hand that now lay passive in another’s. "That ring!" exclaimed Anna, vainly struggling with her confusion, "it is not worth your grace's acceptance." Henry's brow darkened, and he examined the ring closely. "Oh! I see," said he, in one of those cold, harsh tones he could sometimes assume, "it is a love token;—I should be sorry to interfere with any tender recollections;"—and he allowed her hand to drop from his own. Anna saw it was dangerous ground; but she had now recovered her self-possession. "The ring," said she, "was my mother's—I would not part with it, but to your grace—my whole heart goes with it;" and taking his hand, she placed the ring upon it. "I take the gift, sweet one!" replied the king,—all trace of displeasure utterly passed away; "I shall never look upon it, but to think how truly and tenderly I am beloved. But it is late—good night, my fair Valentine! I shall see you to-morrow." Anna remained, for some minutes, standing where he left her, leaning against the oak table. The wildest dream of her ambition was on the eve of being realised;—her faith was plighted to the King of England—yet it was not of him she thought. A low pleading voice was in her ear, and Lord Percy's dark sad eyes seemed to reproach her falsehood. Mechanically she looked to the place where she had last seen his ring;—it was gone, and in its place lay the glittering carkanet. It was fleckered with drops of blood; as she had leaned on the table, its bright sharp points had cut her arm. Anna was insensible to the pain; she thought only of the omen!