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Of Government.

gether in words of undetermined and dubious meaning, look like a ſort of arguing, when there is indeed neither proof nor connection : a way very familiar with our author: of which having given the reader a taſte here, I ſhall, as much as the argument will permit me, avoid touching on hereafter; and ſhould not have done it here, were it not to let the world ſee, how incoherences in matter, and ſuppoſitions without proofs put handſomely together in good words and a plauſible ſtile, are apt to paſs for ſtrong reaſon and good ſenſe, till they come to be looked into with attention.

Of Adam's Title to Sovereignty by Donation,
Gen. i. 28.

§. 21. Having at laſt got through the foregoing paſſage, where we have been ſo long detained, not by the force of arguments and oppoſition, but the intricacy of the words, and the doubtfulneſs of the meaning ; let us go on to his next argument, for Adam's ſovereignty. Our author tells us in the words of Mr. Selden, that Adam by donation from God, Gen. i. 28. was made the general lord of all things, not without ſuch a private dominion to himſelf as without his grant did exclude his children. This determination of Mr. Selden, ſays our author, is
