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Beachcomber Bill
Ah, you think you're smart, do ye? Well, I'll show you how smart you are. I'll get you down from those trees in a hurry. You just wait! You'll come down hard, all right! I'm just gonna chop and chop and chop and you won't be so smart!

Buster Bear
Oh, Paddy, I'm gonna crash any second. The tree's all ready to topple. What can I do? What can I do? Uh, help me, quick!

Paddy Pelican
Climb your way out up on the farthest limb from the tree. Move more towards the water. Let's get out on the limb. Hurry up! Hurry up!

Buster Bear
Boy, I sure hope that's soft water. Whatever kind it is, it'll be a lot, uh, softer than the ground. Anyway, here I go! Oh!

Beachcomber Bill
Well, you won't be so lucky.