Page:Two contented cuckolds, or, Tit for tat.pdf/2

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The two Contented CUCKOLDS;
Or, TIT for TAT.

DRaw near a while till I relate,
A trick was play'd at Cheſtergate,
Which I think fit to declarate,
Come listen to my rhime, boys;
It's of two neighbours and their wives,
That led exceeding wanton lives,
And they did kiſs each others wives,
Perhaps many a time, boys.

Says one unto his lovely bride,
I must go take a journey's ride,
May the heavens be your guide,
They kissed each other and parted.
When he was gone, his rival came,
And they began their ſporting game,
And was not she a dainty dame,
That was so merry hearted.

Her husband did not long detain,
But ſhortly he return'd again,
His labour was not loſt in vain,
He catch'd them at their pleasure;
At the door he did rap and bawl,
She seemed to take no heed at all,
Tho' she knew him at his first-call,
Which grieved her beyond meaſure.