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Rejoicing with a merry mind
They should on cock-horse ride.
They prate and prattle pleasantly,
As they rode on the way,
To those that should there butchers be,
And work there lives' decay.

So that the pretty speech they had
Made murderer's hearts relent;
And they that undertook the deed
Full sore they did repent.
Yet one of them, more hard of heart,
Did vow to do his charge;
Because the wretch that hired him
Had paid him very large.

The other would not agree thereto,
So here they fell at strife:
With one another they did fight.
About the children's life.
And he that was of mildest mood
Did slay the other there,
Within an unfrequented wood,
While babes did quake with fear.

He took the children by the hand,
When tears stood in their cye,
And bade them come and go with him,
And look they did not cry
And two long miles he led them on,
While they for food complain;
Stay here, (quoth he) I'll bring you bread
When I do come again.