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In tears of sorrow all were drown'd
In her pocket they the letter found,
Which he had sent the day before,
Reading the same they wept the more.

The father cry'd, I am undone;
The husband he distracted ran:
Oh! take warning here both young and old,
And never break your vows for gold.

The Waukrife Mammy

As I gaed o'er the Highland hills,
I met a bonny łassie;
Wha look'd at me and I at her,
And O but she was saucy.

Whare are you gaun my bonny lass,
Whare are ye gaun, my lammy;
Right saucily she answer'd me,
An errand to my mammy.

An' whare live ye, my bonny lass,
Whare do you won, my lammy:
Right modestly she answer'd me,
In a wee cot wi' my mammy.

Will ye tak' me to your wee house,
I'm far frae hame, my lammy:
Wi' a leer o' her eye, she answer'd me,
I darena for my mammy.

But I fore up the glen at e'en,
To see this bonny lassie;